This is the first newsletter from Actors, Extras, Props and Locations bringing you news of amateur film making at the Edinburgh Cine & Video Society.
The spring launch of ECVS was a Titanic success. Membership is Up from 14 to over 50.
We had a Fundraiser - a film festival with a mini-cinema in a basement in Howe St showing classic silent comedy with live music from Sasha Hamilton, a bouncy castle and childrens parade in the East Circus gardens off St Vincent Street and workshops, film shows and homebaking in the club rooms.
The refurbishment of the club rooms has started - we have plans (but not yet enough money) to soundproof the cinema - but the main club room is in the middle of being painted and the green screen studio has been brought back up to spec.
Fundraising continues with a Whisky Galore themed whisky tasting on Sunday November 12th at 3pm - tickets on sale now. It will be lead by Rachel McCormack author of Chasing The Dram.
Our new winter programme has started. Every Friday there is a film appreciation study - club members watch a classic film and then discuss its finer points.
Every Thursday we have a technical filmmakers group with a full programme looking at lighting, cameras, projection, fundraising, colour grading and all sorts. This Thursday it is basic camera handling and cinematography. Our rule of thumb is come along, and if you come back 2 or 3 times we will nag you into becoming a member, so do swing by.
We have just started a monthly screenwriters group meeting on a Wednesday too - and hope to get more groups going. (I want to start a TikTok-to-filmcrew course - ping me
The full programme is outlined in the club newsletter which I attach - it also has lovely pix from the fundraiser.
But this newsletter is for actors, extras, props and locations!
The club also has a number of films in production - and we filmed Compliance - a 15 minutes sci-fi/horror short over the summer. Our next newsletter will have a trailer for that, but also behind the scenes pix and an I-didn’t-know-what-to-expect from Jenn Knox who provided the location - her photography studio in Cowdenbeath. So if you are a bit nervous about providing props or locations that’s a must read for next time.
Thanks ECVS.
PS: But we also need our friends to spread the word and recommend us to their friends. If you know someone with a castle, or a horse, or a racing car, or a lovely flat or striking face, prod them to subscribe.
The ECVS itself is always seeking new members who are (or want to be): script writers, directors, producers, cinematographers, costume designers, FXers, props manager, location scouts, TikTockers, Vloggers, YouTubers, animators, green screeners, production accountants and caterers, poster and artwork designers, GoProers, lighting and sound engineers and, not least actors and extras. So if you know one of them, send them our way too.